E-books are here
We now offer our curricula as convenient e-books. After you buy, you'll receive an email containing your download links. You'll have your files right away. That's all there is to it!
E-book savings
E-books have a much lower "cover" price. It's easier than ever to see if our products are right for you. You only print when you are ready.
You can print just a few chapters to try out, and print the rest once you are sure.
You will have no shipping costs.
For even more savings, you may choose not to print your teacher's manual, or only to print the quizzes and tests.
If you need more than fifteen copies, contact us for a discount.
As always, your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Formats and payment
Your downloads will be managed by PayLoadz, a download specialist. Your payment will still ultimately be processed through PayPal. You can pay by credit card via PayPal if you prefer.
Your e-books are PDF files, and your audio materials are MP3 files. Your computer will know what to do with these files. Of course, you can contact us if you need any help.
A few last hard copies
We have physical inventory remaining of a few titles. Quantities are limited. We also have a small number of "scratch and dent" copies. Contact us if you want details.
Here's to the future!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We look forward to continuing to serve you with our programs!