Guided tour of Logic I: Tools for Thinking, with sample chapters
A selection of sample chapters is introduced below, with context provided by a brief description of the program's topic sequence.
For a more detailed topic listing, you may want to view the
from the teacher’s manual. (The teacher's manual has all the same chapter and section titles as the student book, so the teacher's manual table of contents shows you the topic sequence for the student book as well.)
Introduction to logic
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Reasoning and logic
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Statements and logical operators
Chapters 4 through 13 develop tools for use on two kinds of material: statements and logical operators. Logical operator may not be a term familiar to you, but actually, you know many logical operators already. For example, the conjunction operator is commonly expressed by the English word "and." The sentence "Parsnip is gray and Parsnip is fuzzy" contains a conjunction operator.
Moleculan, or the sentential calculus
On the foundation laid in Chapters 4 through 13, Chapters 14 through 26 present a system of symbolic logic for use on statements that contain logical operators. Because such statements are called molecular statements, and because our other cat is named Tiger Molecule, the book refers to this system as Moleculan. (It is more commonly known as the sentential calculus, the propositional calculus, sentence logic, or propositional logic.)
In this part of the book, the students learn the grammar of the Moleculan language, and they gain experience translating from English to Moleculan and vice versa. This focus on translation into and out of Moleculan is a distinctive and important feature of Logic I: Tools for Thinking. Students also learn how to tell whether a given Moleculan sentence is true or false, using a truth table. In Chapter 19, they encounter tautologies, sentences that are always true, and learn how to determine whether a certain sentence is a tautology. (Keep in mind as you look at Chapter 19 that the student who has been working his way through all the chapters is already familiar with much in the chapter that you may find unfamiliar or perplexing at first glance.)
Arguments in Moleculan
Next the students meet arguments, a very important class of objects on which logic tools can be used. They learn what a valid argument is, and they learn to test Moleculan arguments for validity, using truth tables. They also encounter a sizable number of common argument forms, or patterns of argumentation that one meets frequently.
Informal logic
Moleculan is an example of formal logic. Formal logic is useful in such areas as mathematics and
computer programming (not to mention deciphering tax instructions!) Informal logic is more useful in
everyday life, and so in Chapters 27 through 31 the book shifts its focus to some important kinds of
informal arguments.
Informal arguments have a very different feel from formal arguments, and analyzing them calls upon students' wisdom in a way that formal arguments do not. But developing wisdom—rather than mere mechanical reasoning skills, as valuable as they are in their place—is what we're aiming for, and so the extra effort is abundantly repaid.
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